Amélie Laporte

Github projects page

Projects Done


1 month class project for my bioinformatics master degree.
Kind of became a hobbie that I will probably continue to develop in the future.
Metabolic viewer based on Cytoscape.js for the Physarum Polycephalum.

MetaBLOB Documentation

Documentation website for the MetaBLOB project.

JIM Website

1 month project for a voluntary internship in the context of my bioinformatics master degree Creation of a web UI for image editing based on the functionalities of ImageJ in order to teach the new students of the bioinformatics MS the principal usage of ImageJ.

CREST classification

3 month internship in the context of my bioinformatics master degree. Implementation of a comparative approach for taxonomic classification tools dedicated to metagenomic analysis.


Roger Garfield

Amélie Laporte

Bioinformatics MS student

Passionate about metagenomics, ecology and answering climate change problems.