What's next
Because a project is never perfect, and there is still room for improvement, here are some of the ones we will like to add in the future.
- The possibility for the user to upload a file in SBML format. The SBML file will then be transformed in a JSON file with our script and will be ready for the visualization.
- Add a form which allow different users to complete the metabolism of Physarum. Indeed, there is a limited amount of known reactions in Physarum. His metabolism is then mostly unknow and a good opttion will be to add reactions in the metabolism when they are known.
- Use a different librairy for the visualization. Librairies such as D3.js or Cola.js will give a better visualization.
- Save all changes performed by the user on the metabolic network. This will improve the experience of a user on the web page. Likewise, the possibility to add a button allowing the user to go back and cancel the last changes done.
- Add a function to color reactions when different enzymes have the same function.
- Possibility for the user to interact with other parts of this project, such as the 3D representation of a molecule.